40 research outputs found

    Stanley character polynomials

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    Stanley considered suitably normalized characters of the symmetric groups on Young diagrams having a special geometric form, namely multirectangular Young diagrams. He proved that the character is a polynomial in the lengths of the sides of the rectangles forming the Young diagram and he conjectured an explicit form of this polynomial. This Stanley character polynomial and this way of parametrizing the set of Young diagrams turned out to be a powerful tool for several problems of the dual combinatorics of the characters of the symmetric groups and asymptotic representation theory, in particular to Kerov polynomials.Comment: Dedicated to Richard P. Stanley on the occasion of his seventieth birthda

    Partial transpose of random quantum states: exact formulas and meanders

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    We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the empirical eigenvalues distribution of the partial transpose of a random quantum state. The limiting distribution was previously investigated via Wishart random matrices indirectly (by approximating the matrix of trace 1 by the Wishart matrix of random trace) and shown to be the semicircular distribution or the free difference of two free Poisson distributions, depending on how dimensions of the concerned spaces grow. Our use of Wishart matrices gives exact combinatorial formulas for the moments of the partial transpose of the random state. We find three natural asymptotic regimes in terms of geodesics on the permutation groups. Two of them correspond to the above two cases; the third one turns out to be a new matrix model for the meander polynomials. Moreover, we prove the convergence to the semicircular distribution together with its extreme eigenvalues under weaker assumptions, and show large deviation bound for the latter.Comment: v2: change of title, change of some methods of proof

    Linear versus spin: representation theory of the symmetric groups

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    We relate the linear asymptotic representation theory of the symmetric groups to its spin counterpart. In particular, we give explicit formulas which express the normalized irreducible spin characters evaluated on a strict partition ξ\xi with analogous normalized linear characters evaluated on the double partition D(ξ)D(\xi). We also relate some natural filtration on the usual (linear) Kerov-Olshanski algebra of polynomial functions on the set of Young diagrams with its spin counterpart. Finally, we give a spin counterpart to Stanley formula for the characters of the symmetric groups.Comment: 41 pages. Version 2: new text about non-oriented (but orientable) map

    Polynomial functions on Young diagrams arising from bipartite graphs

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    We study the class of functions on the set of (generalized) Young diagrams arising as the number of embeddings of bipartite graphs. We give a criterion for checking when such a function is a polynomial function on Young diagrams (in the sense of Kerov and Olshanski) in terms of combinatorial properties of the corresponding bipartite graphs. Our method involves development of a differential calculus of functions on the set of generalized Young diagrams.Comment: To appear in DMTCS pro

    Zonal polynomials via Stanley's coordinates and free cumulants

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    We study zonal characters which are defined as suitably normalized coefficients in the expansion of zonal polynomials in terms of power-sum symmetric functions. We show that the zonal characters, just like the characters of the symmetric groups, admit a nice combinatorial description in terms of Stanley's multirectangular coordinates of Young diagrams. We also study the analogue of Kerov polynomials, namely we express the zonal characters as polynomials in free cumulants and we give an explicit combinatorial interpretation of their coefficients. In this way, we prove two recent conjectures of Lassalle for Jack polynomials in the special case of zonal polynomials.Comment: 45 pages, second version, important change

    Skew Howe duality and random rectangular Young tableaux

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    We consider the decomposition into irreducible components of the external power Λp(CmCn)\Lambda^p(\mathbb{C}^m\otimes \mathbb{C}^n) regarded as a GLm×GLn\operatorname{GL}_m\times\operatorname{GL}_n-module. Skew Howe duality implies that the Young diagrams from each pair (λ,μ)(\lambda,\mu) which contributes to this decomposition turn out to be conjugate to each other, i.e.~μ=λ\mu=\lambda'. We show that the Young diagram λ\lambda which corresponds to a randomly selected irreducible component (λ,λ)(\lambda,\lambda') has the same distribution as the Young diagram which consists of the boxes with entries p\leq p of a random Young tableau of rectangular shape with mm rows and nn columns. This observation allows treatment of the asymptotic version of this decomposition in the limit as m,n,pm,n,p\to\infty tend to infinity.Comment: 17 pages. Version 2: change of title, section on bijective proofs improve